Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Race Report - Muskoka

TIME: 1:20:00
AG: 7/26 OVERALL:80/436

Pre-race routine:

Since this was an afternoon race, I hydrated most of the day and had a little swim at my friends' place. Just splashed around with a few friends and kept out of the sun. Had lunch around 11 am and then just kept drinking water since it was going to be a warm day.

Event warmup:

Got to the race start quite early so I had time to setup my transition and then headout for a quick bike ride. Rode the first 5k of the bike course so about a 10k warmup. Then went for a run to the first turn around and then headed back to transition to get my wetsuit. This race course is a point to point swim so I had to walk back to the swim start where I swam about 400m.

Swim - 0:15:41 (750m)

Well this was probably my worst swim in my tri career. It should of been really fast, i was hoping to get out with the lead group, but manage to swim off course quite a bit and lost all the drafting. I was quite upset with my swim time and my position, but felt good when I saw that most bikes on the rack were still there (the racks were age group specific)

What would you do differently?:

Need to work on drafting and keeping a better sight line. I know I could of done better, maybe a longer warm up would of helped.

T1 (1:08)
Wow, that was fast... can't say much, just that I could of saved a few seconds if I didn't have a wetsuit on. Felt really good coming out of the water, I should of, did you see my swim time :)

Bike- 00:37:02 (20km)
Well, I think I dropped the hammer on the bike, it was a really hilly course and I manage to keep a 32km/h pace. Not bad considering that my shifting was way off. The hills were just painful but again I don't train on hills so it was something new for me.

What would you do differently?:

Check my bike and shifting before a race to ensure everything is working perfectly. Otherwise, strong bike.

T2 (0:36)

Well second fastest transition time in my AG... Can't complain about that. I don't even remember putting on my shoes. I remember getting out of the shoot and thinking do I have my running shoes on :)

What would you do differently?:

nothing, i don't think i can go any faster.

Run- 00:25:37 (5km)

Oh dear the run... Why can't i just run a sub 24min 5k? The run was hilly and my legs felt good but just no speed and no consistency. Had to walk a few times to get my HR down but still not impressed by my run times.

What would you do differently?:

run faster! After ironman my goal is going to be to focus on running skills. I want to do a sprint next year and run a 22/23 min 5k. I know I have it in me, just not at the moment. Oh and the hills were hard..again no hill training :)

Post race

Went for dinner with friends. Then drove back to the cabin and drank a few beers.


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