Friday, November 10, 2006

The Winnipeg Team

Well I just looked at the offical athlete list on IMF homepage and we are three from Winnipeg venturing out to Florida.

Chris, Trevor and myself. Coach Dave is going to win his spot at a qualifing race... so possibly four from Winnipeg are going to Florida... Its going to be a party....

Sunday, November 05, 2006

What did I just do?

What did I just do? This morning at 11:32 CST, my buddy Chris and I registered for ironman florida in 2007. The race date is Nov 3, 2007.

For those that don't know what an ironman is, its a really long race.
3.8Km Swim, 180km bike... followed by a MARATHON...

Oh dear... I guess I need to stop blogging an start training... only364 days till race day.

Don't I just look happy?...Shocked maybe? Okay sick to the stomack