Monday, October 29, 2007

Winnipeg to Florida

Well three flights later, I'm in Florida. One of my biggest fears flying was losing my bike. I knew that I wasn't the first person to fly with a bike, but with so much invested in this one race, I didn't want to lose it. But when we flew out of Memphis I saw my bike box sitting by the plane and knew it would make it. Since I've traveled a few times in the last month for work, I didn't really mind being on long flights, but I guess because these were holiday flights and not travel flights they seemed so much shorter. Anyhow, made it to Panama, all safe bags in hand and bike box all ready to deliver the machine.

As we drove up to the hotel (didn't get lost...thank you google maps) we started seeing so many people running and riding. I thought that we would be the first few athletes in Panama but I think about 300 people are already here. Its pretty cool, you only see two type of people here, seniors or athletes... and we are all checking each other out and determining if they will be a challenger on Saturday.

Other just getting to out hotels, Trevor, Sandra, Rick, Chris and I took a small ride in town to look at the race site, and get some food in us. We already found our monday party place, and they had to ensure the beer was good so they had one,I kept to my program and had ice tea. :(

Bikes are all setup, and now its time for a few last training rides. Chillax and enjoy the fruit of our labour. 5 days till race day... wow... its seems like only yesterday I registered.


Blogger Unknown said...

Good luck Colin, I'm very proud of your accomplishment you have achieved.

I will be watching threw out the day on Saturday and Xenon will be here too, so when ever you pass a camera wave at us because we will be cheering you on.

You gave me your pinny number but what is everyone else’s pinny number? I want to see how much you are beating them by :-)

Have fun while you are down there, and call me when you are home.

Darth Daul

8:28 PM  

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