Sunday, November 04, 2007


Well, 2 years of triathlon training, over 400 hours of training in the last year, and I am now an IRONMAN.

What a race, what a day, what an experience. I will post my race report in the next few days as there is so much to say and share but overall this experience has been like nothing I have ever experienced ever before. Over the course of 13 hours, I felt every emotion, thought of many friends and family and in the end I accomplished what I had set to do. Now its time to relax and take time to absorb this feeling.

I want to thank everyone that sent me congrats email or email of encouragement, they mean the world to me.

So tired, and so sore, but wanted to tell everyone reading that I'm safe and happy. Now onto eating my 3rd burger of the day. Oh how I've missed you so much mr.burger :)


The ironman!


Blogger Erin Schinkel said...

Congrats Colin, looking forward to reading the race report, but all that matters right now is that it's done you did it, and no one can ever take that away from you!! Way to Go :)

9:03 AM  

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