Sunday, December 31, 2006

10 feet of snow... and I still ran :)

okay maybe not 10 feet but lots of snow feel last night. Eric and I were to run a 10k together today. He choose not to run but I still manage to get a 6k'er. I ran to his place to say hi and then ran back home. There is something to say about running in a foot of snow. It was hard, I'm pretty sure my heart rate was high and my pace slow but it was fun making my own trail. It was cold but nothing I couldn't deal with.

The good thing now is that I did a workout, so tonight I can eat/drink anything...hehe so much for this healthy food.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Worst day to sleep in :(

Okay, all the days one shouldn't sleep in, it was today. I totally missed my training camp this morning. Got up at 8am and had to be at the pool by 5:50 :(

I did manage to get a 3k swim in this afternoon on my own but really wanted to get my swim analyzed. I think they have room this Saturday. Hopefully I can get a spot.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

X-mas swim camp starts tomorrow :)

Really excited for tomorrow... I have my first day for Swimming training camp and I'm having my swim video taped and then a coach will analysis it and give me advice. It should be interesting maybe even give me details on how to go faster... that's what I want to do :)

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Swimming is paying off

The old adage, "practice makes perfect " has proven itself in the pool today. I swam this AM with the Manitoba Masters club, and was doing a set and holding 1:40's for each 100m. This is pretty cool since about 4 months ago I was holding 1:55 for each 100m.

If I keep this up, my goal of 1:10 swim time is going to be easy.