Sunday, April 29, 2007

Police 1/2 Marathon

Well another PR today.. Gotta be proud of that. This was my last 1/2 of the year, next time I run any distance like this I'll be racing Ironman :)

Here are my stats:
TIME: 01:47:27
AG: 15/38

Congrats to my friends Jill/Lisa/Amber/Don... you all did amazing.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Race Report Hypothermic Half Marathon

TIME: 01:52:41
AG: 14/72

Pre-race routine:

Drove to race site while eating a raisin bagel and had 500ml of Gatorade. When I got to the race site, got my dry clothing bag checked and listen to the pre-race meeting

Event warmup:

Didn't have a chance to warm-up but walked and did a few strides to get to the race start


Well I PR'ed so it couldn't of been that bad. The conditions could of been better since it was snowing for the past 12 hours and the roads and sidewalks were slippery and I had difficulties getting any good stable footing. Also, a problem with an Urban race is traffic. I had to wait about 2 minutes at the train stop due to a train coming by. I did walk a tiny bit at that time just to stay warm but I didn't want to get cold. Overall, a nice course, I love courses that are not just in and out but have a dimension of surprise.

What would you do differently?:

I don't think I would do anything differently, I did fell good, my nutrition was bang on and Pr'ed so all the other factors or not in my hands but it does show that I've trained well over the winter and another PR is in my future since I didn't go a 100% the entire time as I didn't want to get hurt.

Post race

Walked/jogged about 1 mile and then went for a message

What limited your ability to perform faster:

the road conditions

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Its been a while... but school is done

Well school is done :)

Back to training and blogging. In the past 2 months, we haven't done to many weekend rides together and my running has been poor. I did run the hypertermic 1/2 marathon in late February and did really well. I'm just drafting my race report and hope to have it posted shortly. I did well I managed a 1:52 and a 19/166 overall placement. Not bad considering the conditions and my training.