Sunday, July 01, 2007

Race Report - St-Malo

Time: 2:31:47

Pre-race routine:

Since we camped out in ST-Malo the night before, we had the luxury of going down to transition when it opened and setup our bike in a good spot. Got body marked and then went back to my campsite for some food and changed. Did my usual bagel and water.

Once all feed, I went back to the race start and got my transition setup. Since it rained the night before, transition was pretty wet and some of the racks were in water. So i just planned my route out of transition to avoid all the water spots.

Event warmup:

Got my bike ready by doing a quick 5k sprint and made sure my gears were all good and everything worked find. I didn't want a repeat of last year... remember "breaks on for 20K..."

Swim 26:30 (1350M)

Well the swim course was interesting... We were advised about 30 minutes before the start that wetsuits would not be legal. No big issue for me since I prefer to swim without one. Most people around my were freaking out, and I had to get out of transition because I didn't want the negative feelings to affect me. So I just headed down to the swim start and did a few 100m swims and got used to swimming in a jersey that acted like a parachute. No joke, since last year I have lost a few pounds and the jersey is not a tad to big for me. I can deal with it on the bike and run but never thought the pockets would just catch so much water. oh well...dealt with that...

Then about 15 minutes before the swim start.. the second buoy started drifting and they didn't have time or didn't want to fix it so the swim course was going to be changed. Oh well, we all swim the same so I just accepted it and said its either going to be long or was short in the end.

The entire swim was good, no big drafting expect for the second lap where I drafted for about 300m then lost the feet and then was on my own for the rest. Overall, the swim was nice relax didn't push it to hard just wanted to swim it consistently.

What would you do differently?:

Need to sight better. I was heading for the other beach I think at one point. :) I know I have problems with sighting just need to work on it.


Okay... I need a bright yellow bike :) Lost my bike in transition. I can't believe I did that, I've only done that once before and its just embarrassing. Cost my a good 40 secs in transition but it will teach me right :)

What would you do differently?:


Bike 1:13:20 (40KM)

Well the bike is much faster than that but because both transitions are included in your bike split it does make it look longer.

I think if I take out the transitions I road a good 1:11ish. The bike was strong. The first 20 were just pushing and keeping aero. I didn't get passed for the fist 12k, and when I did get passed I kept up to him for about 3k before he had a flat and DNF'ed. I was glad to see the turn around point because we had a headwind going out and I knew that I would be going to hammer the return. I didn't have a computer on my bike so I don't know my average speed but at one point I did run out of gears, never a good thing.

On the way back is when I was finally passed and didn't keep pace with him. This was the only person that passed me on the bike, but I manage to pass 7 people mostly just at the start of the bike. The only time the course was congested was at the sprint tour around point. Kept my distance, tried not to block nor draft but it was hard.


What would you do differently?:

Check shoes... My computer was in my shoe :)

Run 51:56 (10Km)

Oh the run... why can't I run any faster? The run was a nice, lost of shade but humid and had to keep hydrated. got into a nice pace and kept it the entire time. My goal for this race was really just to hammer the bike and keep nothing for the run, so I guess I did that :) But overall, it was a good run, and if I want to run 5min/k for ironman I was able to feel the pace. I really wanted to go sub 50 for the run but got fatigued on the second lap and i felt really hungry. Overall, I was happy with my run, I just need to run a more tempo runs to feel the pace and have confident that I can run tempo for 10k without bonking. Its just practice and training.

Post race

Warm down:

Got some food and chatted with friends and my parents who came down to watched. It as fun since this is my last Tri Manitoba race of the year since I will be doing ironman training every weekend now and unable to really focus on oly races.


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