Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dauphins swimming by our beach

This morning, as we looked on from our balconies, we saw dauphins swimming near our hotel. IT was so cool, there was two baby dauphins and a mommy dauphin. Our hotel manager told us that it was normal to see them, and that because there was some food in that area, you can often see them. We will keep looking for them because its so cool to see.

Otherwise, today is wednesday and it was a big training day. First thing we did today, was to go to the race site and get our open water swim in, on the actual race course. We got there around 9 and the ironman staff were putting in the buoys for the swim. So we swam behind them so we got to be the first to swim the course...well with a few other friends. I was quite surprise by the swim. I was expecting that when we got into the deep water that I would start to freak out but it was really calming. I never worries about the swim and after today and swimming the course in the waves, I'm confident that my swimming abilities will lead me to a good swim time.

After our swim, we registered for the race. Got weighed, signed our life away and finally got our race kits that included our race numbers, race bags and everything we will need for the race. Its quite humbling knowing that on only a few days we will be racing this race we spent so much time training for.

After registration, we headed into the ironman store. I think I spent a small fortune and I think I just added 3 more years to my mortgage because I spent that much. But got some good gear and some nice souvenirs of this event.

After lunch, trevor and I went for a ride on the bike course and then rode the run course. Its always a good thing to do so you have an understanding of the course so you can mentally break it down. i think the run course will be 3 small sections each way.

Then, we got back to our hotel had some food and went to pickup Chris' girlfriend from the airport.

This was then end of the day, but let me tell you between each event the entire group had some good laughs, mostly at my expense but some were directed at Chris.

Tomorrow we have planned another swim, and a small run. We also have to get our gear ready for the race. Its coming coming really fast.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Open water swim

For the past 12 months my daily routine has been getting up early, hammering out a training plan of some sort, and then getting ready for bed. Well today I got a chance to sleep in, catch up on that so much needed sleep. We then made our way to the beach for our first open water swim in the golf. All of us, Trevor, Sandra, Rick, Chris and I swam a few meters and then chatted, swam some more. The intent of this swim was just to get a feel for the ocean as Chris and I had never really want in salt water before. It was suprising how much you float in salt water. Chris and I managed to get a few more minutes in before returning to the beach with the crew. We then decided that we should have some fun in the hotel pool and we all splashed around and just enjoyed our company.

After lunch, Chris and I had to get a workout in, so we got our bikes ready and made sure everything was in proper working order. I was afraid that my front wheel was damaged but I got the okay from a bike mechanic and he assured me that my wheel was perfectly fine. We manage to ride a 15km ride and just got a feel for the road. The road here in so nice compared to Birds hill park. We then when out for a short run, 25 minutes and just got a feel for the road. We planned the run at the same time that we would be running on Saturday to get a feel for the heat.

Tonight, we all packed into the van and went to the outlet stores for some shopping. With the strong dollar, we couldn’t miss a chance for great deals. I managed to spend my next years salary but I did get great deals.

Now I find myself writing this entry in my blog as I’m sitting outside, hearing the waves hit the shore. After so much stress at work, it’s a great change of pace. Tomorrow, we will start the ironman festivities that include the registration the group swim and the countless hours looking at the new gear that is being offered by various suppliers.

Another great day in paradise.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Winnipeg to Florida

Well three flights later, I'm in Florida. One of my biggest fears flying was losing my bike. I knew that I wasn't the first person to fly with a bike, but with so much invested in this one race, I didn't want to lose it. But when we flew out of Memphis I saw my bike box sitting by the plane and knew it would make it. Since I've traveled a few times in the last month for work, I didn't really mind being on long flights, but I guess because these were holiday flights and not travel flights they seemed so much shorter. Anyhow, made it to Panama, all safe bags in hand and bike box all ready to deliver the machine.

As we drove up to the hotel (didn't get lost...thank you google maps) we started seeing so many people running and riding. I thought that we would be the first few athletes in Panama but I think about 300 people are already here. Its pretty cool, you only see two type of people here, seniors or athletes... and we are all checking each other out and determining if they will be a challenger on Saturday.

Other just getting to out hotels, Trevor, Sandra, Rick, Chris and I took a small ride in town to look at the race site, and get some food in us. We already found our monday party place, and they had to ensure the beer was good so they had one,I kept to my program and had ice tea. :(

Bikes are all setup, and now its time for a few last training rides. Chillax and enjoy the fruit of our labour. 5 days till race day... wow... its seems like only yesterday I registered.