Sunday, November 04, 2007


Well, 2 years of triathlon training, over 400 hours of training in the last year, and I am now an IRONMAN.

What a race, what a day, what an experience. I will post my race report in the next few days as there is so much to say and share but overall this experience has been like nothing I have ever experienced ever before. Over the course of 13 hours, I felt every emotion, thought of many friends and family and in the end I accomplished what I had set to do. Now its time to relax and take time to absorb this feeling.

I want to thank everyone that sent me congrats email or email of encouragement, they mean the world to me.

So tired, and so sore, but wanted to tell everyone reading that I'm safe and happy. Now onto eating my 3rd burger of the day. Oh how I've missed you so much mr.burger :)


The ironman!

Friday, November 02, 2007

The day before

Well, 365 days of training all come down to tomorrow. Today was my last day as an non-ironman. Looking back at the last year, I can honestly say that I have given 100% for this race. I have kept a very healthy lifestyle, maintained a heatlhy nutrition plan, trained hard and focused, and spent time reading about this race. Tomorrow as I set my feet in the water I will know that my body is ready, my mind is ready and that all I have to do is what I've done for the past 2 years, swim, bike, and run.

Today was an stressful day. First Chris and I woke up early to drive the bike course. Other than getting lost we managed to get a good idea of what the race course would look like. A few hills but nothing to bad. Its going to be hot and no wind tomorrow. it should be a fast pace race.

At 2pm today we rode our bikes at the race site to drop them off. We also had to drop off all our gear for the race. This will be the last time that I would see my bike before the race day. It was at this moment that I realized that I was actually doing this race. Everything is ready. Bike is ready, my nutrition is ready, and now its time to race.

Walking around the race site, you can see a common tread in all the athletes. Yes were all fit and well trained, but the thing that units us all is the support group that follow us in person or in spirit. No one can do an ironman alone. You need people behind you supporting you, cheering for you and helping you with those difficult training days. I have to say that I have had the best support crew for this race. I have had a family that have given me so much for the past year. All their words of encouragements, their words of support and their understanding of the sport has helped me achieve to the best of my abilities. From seeing my family cheering for me at local races, to writing a card of support to me. Its what had made this journey so memorable. I might of spent the time in the pool, the time on the bike or the time running but they have committed so much more. And to my friends all over the world who have helped me with words of encouragements, and support. Its made this ironman so easy. And nothing can be said for those that trained with me for the past year. You have all help me improve as an athlete. From pushing the pace, to providing me new race techniques. You have made the training element of this sport so much easier. My training team, from the triple threat members, to those that raced at local races, to those that are veterans of the sport, thank you so much. And to all my got me here.. with your wisdom and support.

Tomorrow as I swim, bike, run, I'll be doing it with 100's of people cheering me on from near or far. i will become and ironman tomorrow, but the true ironpeople are those that support an athlete.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Panic is setting in

Well this morning, our plan for an early morning swim didn't really happen. It was like an episode out of Seinfeld, where Elaine didn't wake up the marathon running in time for the race. Although we did enjoy the extra sleep.

Chris and I again headed to the race site to get another swim in. We swam most of the course again and were holding a pretty good pace. Chris saw a few jellyfishes but I didn't see any. We had a good swim and overall it was a good morning.

After the swim, it was time to get more food and just stay off our feet. So the group decided to head to the ocean and have some fun in the water and afterwards we swam in our pool just for fun. Since today was the pre-race dinner and meeting, we had an early dinner because no one wanted to eat at the meeting because in past years the food wasn't good. So Chris, Trevor and I went to the meeting a little later after the dinner was served.

At the meeting they started to show race videos and talking to the pro athletes and some athletes that has done some impressive things to get here. It was all very motivational and very emotional, knowing that in a few days we would be like those athletes in the videos.

After the meeting, we all came back to our hotel and started to look at our nutrition and start planning our race days bags.

An early night since Chris and I have to drive the bike course tomorrow.