Monday, July 09, 2007

A Weekend of Riding

As Friday approaches I know that most people look forward to some R&R, sit back enjoy the time away from the office and try not to think about Monday. I on the other hand see the weekend as an opportunity to train longer and get in those quality miles. Good thing I have a training partner that ensures we get our early rides in because we all know, I would be sleeping in.

This weekend as people enjoyed Folk Fest, I enjoyed a 120k bike ride. Lasting just over 4 hours, I manage to go around an around at BHP, and kept it nice and easy. Then if a 4 hour ride wasn't enough how about throwing in a 4k run afterwards. Good thing my swim consisted of a dolphin dive, two strokes and then 10 minutes of standing. Ah that was probably the best part.

I can't say that this weekend was so horrible; I got to spend time with friends and enjoy the nice weather we're having. Funny enough, this will be a short day compared to what is coming up.

The road to Ironman isn't easy, but this is all part of getting to the finish line.

I too am looking forward to this weekend, but probably for different reasons. How about a 1/2 ironman to start the weekend!!!

Happy miles…


Blogger Erin Schinkel said...

how'd morden go... race reporto?

8:03 AM  

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