Tuesday, July 31, 2007

July total and review

For the next few months I was thinking I would write a month end report of what happen, how I felt and how I feel about the next month. It should be interesting to read come 6 months from now.

July, was the month of tests. Could I ride my first 100k'er, could I consistency swim 3 times a week, could I possibly eat that much food. Well I have to say I surprised myself this month. I did manage to get 2 100k'ers in this month, manage to hit the pool about 3 times a week, only missed once, and as for eating... well it seems I'm always eating.

July was my first half ironman. I had made some time predictions, and if I meet those goals, it would indicate that my training plan was working and that IMF would be doable if I finished the race fresh and ready to go again. As I wrote in my race report , I manage to hit 2 of the 3 goals with the 3rd only being missed not by fitness but by nutrition. I have to say that finishing that race in 10 minutes pass my goal time was a booster in my mental training. I now know that IMF is doable, and that if I train well I will finish and hit my goal of 11:20.

July totals:
Bike:20h 31m 46s - 616.44 KM
Run:13h 44m 21s - 138.07 KM
Swim:8h 37m 10s - 23100 M
Commuter Cycling:2h 30m

all that training... is about 44 hours of training. Isn't that crazy... and in that time I had a few recovery days after my half ironman. Pretty impressive...

August is going to be a month of long, hard training. My plan calls for more speed work and high intensity training. I don't like training when it hurts but I will trust my plan and follow it as much as possible. I say that because I do want to have fun with friends and sometimes that means doing a different workout. August will also be a race month for me, I'll be racing in Riding Mountain on Aug 18. The 19/20 are going to be a training camp where the millage will increase significantly for those days. We are thinking of riding over 200k in two days and include a run/swim in there too. It should be a good time.

Less than 95 days till ironman, now its time to train hard and smart. Keep readying as I will try to post between workouts and sleep :)

Thank you for all the support and e-mails... when its 5am and I would rather be sleeping, I think of everyone supporting me and it helps me get out of bed.

Happy miles,


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