Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Spectating isn't as much fun as racing

So this weekend it was my turn to sit on the sidelines and cheer on my friends This week Triathlon Manitoba was putting on a race in Lac Du Bonnet. One of my favorite race course, its fast, its flat and I've posted my best times on that course. But due to the volume I've been putting in training for ironman I decided that racing might not be the best idea since I don't want to get injured. My body is already under some stress and I don't need to add any hard racing now. Just gotta keep it for Ironman.

Anyhow, I was on the sidelines and cheering on everyone and realized that when people come to races its not the easiest thing to do. You gotta keep walking from one end to the other, and when its hot and there's no wind, then it gets worst. I learned why I should of brought a chair, and why I shouldn't of had those 4 cups of tim's coffee :)

Anyhow, all this to say, thank you to all of those that come out and cheer and support not just me but everyone that races. You are as important to the success of our races as is our training.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spectating does suck, so that is why i signed up for a bunch of races!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12:27 PM  

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