Monday, August 13, 2007

A recovery week... rest needed

Well for the past few days, workouts have been very difficult to complete, my heart rate is really high and I'm extremely tired. Ah the great signs of over-training. Who would of ever though that I would be saying something like that? I figured that with 12 weeks to go to ironman, if I don't rest now, I might miss out on a future week that might be more important in my preparation to ironman, so for the next 7 days, rest, rest and enjoy time with friends... oh and clean my house.

The good news is that this Saturday I'm racing in Riding Mountain National Park, one of my favorite races. I love it because we race on Saturday and party that night. Its going to be a strange night because most athletes, this will be the end of their season, and for me... its only the mid-point. Two more races to go!!!!

Well onto my rest week. What will I do first?


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