Thursday, September 06, 2007

August in review

First of all, my August stats

Bike:19h 18m 30s - 587.13 KM
Run:11h 09m 13s - 124.65 KM
Swim:6h 17m 57s - 17400 M
Commuter Cycling:1h 50m

August was a light month, my body needed some rest this month, and I had to take a complete week off just to recharge my batteries. I raced Riding mountain a few weeks ago and that got me back into the grove of racing and training. I haven't races since my last half ironman and I think that I need that physical test once in a while to validate my training. I felt strong and now I'm back into the game.

September will be my peak month with lots of training and training. I figure that my September month totals are going to be really high, I might even say double those of August. I will also be racing a half ironman this weekend, and that will also test my nutrition and my fitness. Its going to give me a good idea of focus points for the next few months. Less than 58 days till ironman and with the days getting shorter I'm sure those days will include some indoor rides.

Again thank you to all that have been supporting me, I can't do it without you.

As I sit here, I needed some motivation for the next few months, so I leave you with this video clip.


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